Chen,Jiawei, Professor of Chongqing University, China
He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Nanjing, China, in 2013. From January to October 2013, he was a research associate at Zhongtian Technology @ NUAA Microgrid Lab, acting as a project manager in the 500kVA Microgrid demonstration project. Then, he worked as a research fellow at Rolls Royce @ NTU Co‐lab (Singapore) from November 2013 to September 2015, focusing on the intelligent energy management strategy for future more electric aircraft (MEA). After that, he joined Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, where he is currently a professor and one of the young researchers of 100‐talent program of the University. Till now, He has published more than 80 papers, 1 book and 15 Chinese patents. He serves as an Editorial Board Member and Associate Editor for the Journal Control and Decision. His research interests are on renewable energy generation systems, power control and energy management strategies for distributed energy generation systems and micro‐grids, and the power electronics circuits in these systems.
Contact Information
Telephone: +86-185-23025770
Email: echejw@cqu.edu.cn
Address:2516-1 Main Teaching Building, Campus A, Chongqing University, 174 Shazheng Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing, 400044, China
Ph.D., Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013.
B.E., Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008.
Academic Experience
Professor, 1/2020- present, Chongqing University, China
Assoc. Professor, 09/2015-12/2019, Chongqing University, China
Research Fellow, 10/2013 – 08/2015, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Research Associate, 1/2013– 09/2013, Zhongtian Technology @ NUAA Microgrid Lab, China
Research Interests
Hybrid Power Supply System for Large Electric Vehicles;
Renewable Energy Generation Systems and Microgrids;
Modelling and Stability Analysis for Power Electronics Systems;
Part I – Books
[1] Power Control and Dynamic Load Reduction Strategies for Wind Energy Conversion System, Science Press, China, 2018
Part II – Referred Journal Papers (selected)
[1] Jiawei Chen, Qingchao Song, A decentralized energy management strategy for a fuel cell/supercapacitor-based auxiliary power unit of a more electric aircraft, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(7): 5736-5747, 2019.
[2] Jiawei Chen, Qingchao Song, A decentralized dynamic load power allocation strategy for fuel cell/supercapacitor-based APU of large more electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(2): 865-875, 2019.
[3] Kai Zhao, Jiawei Chen, Yongduan Song, Adaptive neural quantized control of MIMO nonlinear systems under actuation faults and time-varying output constraints. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 3471-3481, 2019.
[4] Jiawei Chen, Chengjun Wang, Jie Chen, Investigation on the selection of electric power system architecture for future more electric aircraft. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 563-576, 2018.
[5] Jiawei Chen, Jie Chen, Stability analysis and parameters optimization of islanded microgrid with both ideal and dynamic constant power loads. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 3263-3274, 2018.
[6] Fanghong Guo, Changyun Wen, Jianfeng Mao, Jiawei Chen, Yongduan Song, Hierarchical decentralized optimization architecture for economic dispatch: a new approach for large-scale power system. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 523-534, 2018.
[7] Qianwen Xu, Peng Wang, Jiawei Chen, Changyun Wen, Meng Yeong Lee, A module-based approach for stability analysis of complex more electric aircraft power system. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 523-534, 2018.
[8] Jiawei Chen, Yongduan Song, Dynamic loads of variable-speed wind energy conversion system. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vo. 60, no. 1, pp. 178-188, 2016.
[9] Jiawei Chen, Ting Lin, Changyun Wen, Design of a unified power controller for variable speed fixed-pitch wind Energy conversion system. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 4899-4908, 2016.
[10] Jiawei Chen, Xiuqin Zhang, Changyun Wen, Harmonics attenuation and power factor correction of a more electric aircraft power grid using active power filter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 7310-7319, 2016.
Part III- Conference Papers
[1] Ahmed Hamed Ahmed Adam, Shuaicheng Hou, Jiawei Chen, Analysis, design, and performance of isolated three-port UPS converter for high-power applications, in Proc. IEEE Intern Conf. Environ. Electri. Engineering (EEEIC), 2019, Genova, Italy, pp. 1-6.
[2] Jiawei Chen, Shuaicheng Hou, Jie Chen, Seamless mode transfer control for a master-slave microgrid, in Proc. Ann. Conf. IEEE Ind. Electron. Soc. (IECON), 2018, Washington DC, USA, pp. 1-5.
[3] Jiawei Chen, Shuaicheng Hou, Chengjun Wang, Large-signal stability study of power system in more electric aircraft, in Proc. IEEE Intern. Power Electron. Appli. Conf. and Expo. (PEAC), 2018, Shen Zhen, China, pp. 1-6.
[4] Qingchao Song, Jiawei Chen, A decentralized energy management strategy for a hybrid power supply system with multiple fuel cells and supercapacitors, in Proc. Intern. Transp. Electrifi. Conf. (ITEC), 2018, Nottingham, UK, pp. 1-6.
[5] Qingchao Song, Jiawei Chen, A decentralized energy management strategy for a battery/supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system in autonomous DC microgrid, in Proc. IEEE 27th Intern. Sym. Ind. Electron. (ISIE 2018), 2018, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, pp. 19-24.
[6] Jiawei Chen, Chengjun Wang, Jie Chen, Investigation on the selection of a more suitable power system architecture for future more electric aircraft from the prospective of system stability, in Proc. IEEE 26th Intern. Sym. Ind. Electron. (ISIE 2017), 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, pp. 1861-1867.
[7] Xiang Li, Jiawei Chen, Jie Chen, Method to reduce the circulating current of paralleled inverters with different capacities, in Proc. IEEE Energy Convers. Congr. Expo. (ECCE 2017), 2017, Cincinnati, OH, USA, pp. 1545-1551.
[8] Jiawei Chen, Xiuqin Zhang, Study on the power quality of more electric aircraft power grid, in Proc. 18th Euro. Conf. Power Electron. Appl. (EPE'16 ECCE Europe), 2016, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 1-11.
[9] Jiawei Chen, Changyun Wen, Meng Yeong Lee, Chadana Gajanayake, Amit Gupta, Design of a highly reliable three-phase four-leg inversion power supply for more electric aircraft, in Proc. 10th IEEE Conf. Ind. Electron. Appl. (ICIEA 2015), 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 351-356.
[10] Jiawei Chen, Changyun Wen, Yongduan Song, Power control strategy for variable-speed fixed-pitch wind turbines, in Proc. 13th Intern. Conf. Contr. Automat. Robot. Vision (ICARCV 2014), 2014, Singapore, pp. 1-6.
[1] Jiawei Chen, Jie Chen, Xiang Li, An online virtual impedance adjustment strategy for reducing circulating current of paralleled inverters, Chinese Patent, 2016, Patent no.: ZL201611146085.X.
[2] Jie Chen, Jiawei Chen, Xin Chen, Chunying Gong, et. al., A unified control strategy for the DC/DC converters in a PV-battery microgrid, Chinese Patent, 2014, Patent no.: CN201410194268.3.
[3] Jie Chen, Jiawei Chen, Chunying Gong, Xin Chen, A novel three-level dual-boost reversible PWM rectifier and its control strategy, Chinese Patent, 2008, Patent no.: CN200810122981.1.
[4] Jiawei Chen, Qingchao Song, Chengjun Wang, A decentralized energy management strategy for distributed generation system with energy storage, Chinese Patent, 2017, Patent no.: CN201711242077.X.
[5] Jiawei Chen, Qingchao Song, A decentralized dynamic power sharing strategy for fuel cell/supercapacitor hybrid power supply system, Chinese Patent, 2017, Patent no.: CN201710557532.9.
[6] Jiawei Chen, Xiang Li, A lossless power balancing strategy for standalone PV system, Chinese Patent, 2017, Patent no.: CN201710175109.2.
[7] Jiawei Chen, Xiang Li, A simple islanding detection method for microgrid, Chinese Patent, 2017, Patent no.: CN201710165802.1.
[8] Jiawei Chen, Shuaicheng Hou, A high power quasi-resonant electromagnetic induction heating device and its control strategy, Chinese Patent, 2019, Patent no.: CN201910563340.8.
[9] Jiawei Chen, Qingchao Song, Kuncheng Cai, A decentralized energy management strategy for hybrid power systm of electric cars, Chinese Patent, 2019, Patent no.: CN201910537436.7.
[10] Jiawei Chen, Jin Zhang, Shuaicheng Hou, Mi Fang, An improved electromagnetic ultrasonic transducer with resonant control, Chinese Patent, 2019, Patent no.: CN201910138815.9.
Research Grants
1. 2019.01‐2022.12, Dynamic Power Sharing Control and Stability Analsyis for Hybrid Power Supply System of a More Electric Aircraft, National Natural Science Foundation of China (660K), Principle Investigator.
2. 2021.01-2021.12, Development of a Series Electrical Controllers for Large Vehicles (2.5 Million), Industry Project, Co-Principle Investigator.
3. 2021.05-2022.05, Development of a 3.3kW Output Power Converter for General Motor (1.8 Million), Industry Project, Co-Principle Investigator.
4. 2020.10-2021.10, Power Control Technology for Onboard DC Microgrid with Multiple Sources (250K), Industry Project, Co-Principle Investigator.
5. 2016.1‐2018.12, Power System Architecture Rationalization and Stability Analysis for a More Electric Aircraft Electric Power System, National Natural Science Foundation of China (250K), Principle Investigator.
2015.9‐2020.12, Development of a 10‐kVA Low‐Cost PV‐Battery Integrated Microgrid, Fundamental Research Funds of Chongqing University (2 Million), Principle Investigator.