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Time of publication:2022-03-29   Number of views:

WuZhou, Professor of Chongqing University, China

Prof. Wu got his Ph.D. from City University of Hong Kong, 2013. Prof. Wu is a member of Association of Computer Machinery and Chinese Association of Automation. He has been an IEEE Senior Member since 2020. His research interests focus on optimization, artificial intelligence, smart grid, smart buildings & construction. He won the first-class award of Chongqing Scientific Technological Advancement in 2018, and won the best paper award of IEEE ISPCE-CN 2020. He held a couple of national patents and software copyrights, and authored more than 40 papers on top journals, e.g., Science Advances, IEEE Transactions, Energy, Applied Energy. With good teaching experiences, he has supervised dozens of graduate and undergraduate students. He has got several national and reginal research projects, with more than 2 million funds. He served as the editorial member or guest editor for Complex & Intelligent Systems, Measurement & Control, Neural Computing & Applications, and Land. More details can be found in his Google Scholar

Contact Information

Telephone: +86-15823067526

Email: zhouwu@cqu.edu.cn

Address:174 Shazheng Street, Shapingba District,Chongqing, 400044,China



Ph.D., Dept. of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 2013.

M.S., Dept of Automation, Wuhan University, China, 2009.

B.S., Dept. of Automation, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 2007

Academic Experience

Professor, 02/2016- present, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

Senior Research Fellow, 10/2012-12/2015, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

Research Interests

Optimization & Artificial Intelligence

Smart Grid & Energy Systems

Smart buildings & construction


[1] Zhou Wu, Junjun Wu, Mingbo Zhao, Liang Feng, Kai Liu, “Two-layered ant colony system to improve engraving robot’s efficiency based on a large-scale TSP model”, Neural Computing and Applications, DOI 10.1007/s00521-020-05468-4, 2020;

[2] Zhou Wu, Qian Li, Weiwei Wu, Mingbo Zhao, “Crowdsourcing model for energy efciency retrot and mixed-integer equilibrium analysis,” IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, 16(7), pp. 4512-4524, 2020;

[3] Nian Ao, Mingbo Zhao, Qian Li, Shaochen Qu, Zhou Wu*, “Network characteristics for neighborhood field algorithms,” Neural Computing and Applications, 32, pp. 12061-12078, 2020;

[4] Zhou Wu, Qian Li, Xiaohua Xia, "Multi-timescale forecast of solar irradiance based on multi-task learning and echo state network approaches”, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, 17(1), pp. 300-310, 2021;

[5] Qian Li, Zhou Wu*, Haijun Zhang, “Spatio-temporal modeling with enhanced flexibility and robustness of solar irradiance prediction: A chain-structure echo state network approach,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 261, 21151, 2020

[6] Qian Li, Zhou Wu*, Rui Ling, Liang Feng, Kai Liu, “Multi-reservoir echo state computing for solar irradiance prediction: a fast yet efficient deep learning approach,” Applied Soft Computing, 95, 106481, 2020;


Hold over 10 patents and software copyrights

Research Grants

1. China National Natural Scientific fundMulti-scale multi-objective intelligent optimization approaches to large-scale building energy efficient retrofit; (2019-2021)

2. China National Natural Scientific fundDesign theory and smart construction methodology for prefabricated bridge with hybrid structure;(2021-2024)

3. China Central University fund: Crowdsourcing game theory and equilibrant strategy for building energy efficient retrofit;(2019-2020)

4. China Central University fund: Demand-side optimal control for renewable hybrid generation systems;(2017-2018)

5. China National Natural Scientific fundOptimal circuit design and control methodologies for battery cell equalization based on the bus structure;(2020-2023)


Best paper of IEEE ISPCE-CN 2020--“Bearing performance degradation assessment by using LMD and CFS clustering without cluster number selection”

2018 first-class award of Chongqing Scientific Technological Advancement--“Prefabricated steel-concrete hybrid structure buildings and informatic construction technologies”

2017 Chongqing Natural Scientific Outstanding Academic paper--“Large-scale building energy efficiency retrofit: Concept, model and control”