
Our Faculty

Lei Wang

Time of publication:2022-03-29   Number of views:

Lei Wang, Associate Professor of Chongqing University, China

He received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Chongqing University, China in 2011. He is currently an associate professor with the School of Automation, Chongqing university, Chongqing, China. He served as the Guest Editor of “Mathematics problem in Engineering” and ". He was an outstanding reviewer of applied energy and reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Advance in Vibration Engineering, Optimal Control Applications and Methods and Structural Health Monitoring, etc. His research includes floating wind turbine system, Energy management and optimization, System modeling, Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control.

Contact Information

Telephone: +86-13629705707

Email: leiwang08@cqu.edu.cn

Address:Shazheng Street174#, Shapingba District,Chongqing, 400044,China


Ph.D., (E.E.), Chongqing University, Chongqing, P. R. China, 2011.

M.S., (E.E.), Chongqing University, Chongqing, P. R. China, 2007.

B.S., (E.E.), Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing, P. R. China, 2004.

Academic Experience

Associate Professor, 3/2013-Now, Chongqing University, Chongqing, P. R. China

Visiting Scholar, 5/2016 – 4/2018, Royal Swedish Institute of Technology, Sweden Lecturer, 1/2012– 3/2013University of Electronic Science and technology, Chengdu, P. R. China

Research Interests

Renewable energy

Nonlinear control

Energy management and optimization,

Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control.


Part I – Books

[1] L.Wang,X.Jin. System dynamics and control technology of large-scale wind turbines in deep ocean,2020.12, Science press of China (monograph)

[2] L.Wang, R.Z.Gao,YD Song. Wind power system fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control,2016.3, Science press of China (monograph)

[3] F.Yang, L.Wang. Embedded principle and Application,2014,3.1. Science press of China (textbook)

Part II – Referred Journal Papers (selected)

[1] Wang Lei*(王磊), Wang Xiang, Yang Wen Xian. Optimal design of electric vehicle battery recycling network–From the perspective of electric vehicle manufacturers[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 275: 115328.

[2] Wang Lei, Nian Victor, Li H, et al. Impacts of electric vehicle deployment on the electricity sector in a highly urbanised environment[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 295: 126386.

[3] Song Qing Wang, Wang Lei, Chen Jia Wei. A Decentralized Energy Management Strategy for a Fuel Cell-Battery Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Composite Control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020.

[4] Wang Lei, Zhang L, Ke Jian Bo, et al. Design of an Individual Pitch Controller for Offshore Wind Turbines Based on Neuro-adaptive Control[J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2020.

[5] Wang Lei, Cai M, Zhang H, et al. Active fault-tolerant control for wind turbine with simultaneous actuator and sensor faults[J]. Complexity, 2017, 2017.

[6] Gao J, Wang Lei, Gao R, et al. Adaptive control of uncertain underactuated cranes with a non-recursive control scheme[J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019, 356(18): 11305-11317.

Part III- Conference Papers

Over 30 Conference papers including Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), International Conference on Applied Energy(ICAE), IFAC, Chinese Conference on Control and Decision (CCDC) , etc.


Hold over 20 patents.

Research Grants

Received more than 10 projects in last 3 years (about research funds: RMB 260,0000) including both projects supported by Chinese and Chongqing City government and projects supported by product industry Plants.


· Best Paper Award, ECCE Conference, 2019