FengFei,Associateresearch fellow of Chongqing University, China
He received his Ph.D. degree ininstrumentscienceandtechnologyfromHarbinInstituteofTechnology, Harbin, China, in 2017. He is currently theAssociateresearch fellow of the School of Automation, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, and theMember of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Dr. Feng is a leading researcher in fault diagnosis,prognosisand health management for electrochemical energy storage system, significantly contributing to both health management theory methods and engineering applications. He is very active as reviewers for top journals, including IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics. As a scientific leader in the field of fault diagnosis,prognosisand health management, he has been serving on various national and international technical committees.
Dr. Feng has made original contributions in fault diagnosis,prognosisand health management technology for electrochemical energy storage system with real world applications, which can be assessed by his publications (over 30 papers) in prestigious international journals, including Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, Journal of Power Sources,Energy,IEEE Trans. onTransportation Electrification, 3 highly cited papers and more than 1000 Google Scholar citations. He also held 30 patents. He has given many keynote talks and invited talks.
Contact Information
Address:Shazheng Street174#, Shapingba District,Chongqing, 400044,China
Ph.D.,(I.S.T.),HarbinInstituteofTechnology, P. R. China, 2017.
M.S.,(I.S.T.),HarbinInstituteofTechnology, P. R. China, 2010.
B.S.,(M.C.T.I.),HarbinUniversityofScienceandTechnology, P. R. China, 2008.
Academic Experience
Associateresearch fellow, 09/2021- present, Chongqing University, Chongqing, P. R. China
Assistant research fellow, 11/2017- 08/2021, Chongqing University, Chongqing, P. R. China
Visiting Scholar, 3/2015 – 2/2016, RWTH Aachen University,Germany
Research Interests
New concept, new theory, new technology and new platform of fault diagnosis, prognosis and health management for electrochemical energy storage system
New concept:
ØIndustry4.0,IndustrialInternet/InternetofThings, Industrial artificial intelligence, Industrial Big Data, Industrial cloud
ØCyber-Physical System, Digital twin, Digital Thread
New theory:
ØNew material battery experimental and analytical theory
ØBattery evolution mechanism and modeling theory
ØBattery control and optimization theory
ØBattery data mining and machine learning theory
ØBattery comprehensive evaluation and decision theory
New technology:
ØBattery numerical calculation and simulation technology
ØBattery fast charging and efficientbalancetechnology
ØBattery fault diagnosis and safety control technology
ØBattery prediction and health management technology
New platform:
ØIndustrial Internet platform technology
ØIndustrial APP development technology
ØSystem deployment and integration technology
Part I – Referred Journal Papers (selected)
[1]FeiFeng*, Rui Yang,JinhaoMeng*, Yi Xie, Zhiguo Zhang, Yi Chai, Lisha Mou. Electrochemical impedance characteristics at various conditions for commercial solid–liquid electrolyte lithium-ion batteries: Part 1. experiment investigation and regression analysis,Energy,242, 122880, 2022.03.01. (SCI,JCR Q1,IF: 7.147,WOS: 000738854300005, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.122880)
[2]FeiFeng*, Rui Yang,JinhaoMeng*, Yi Xie, Zhiguo Zhang, Yi Chai, Lisha Mou.Electrochemical impedance characteristics at various conditions for commercial solid–liquid electrolyte lithium-ion batteries: Part. 2. Modeling and prediction,Energy,243, 123091, 2022.03.15. (SCI,JCR Q1,IF: 7.147,DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.123091)
[3]FeiFeng#*,Sangli Teng#, Kailong Liu*, Jiale Xie, Yi Xie, Bo Liu, Kexin Li. Co-estimation of lithium-ion battery state of charge and state of temperature based on a hybrid electrochemical-thermal-neural-network model,Journal of Power Sources, 455, 227935,2020.03.03.(SCI,JCR Q1,IF: 9.127, WOS: 000523640000006, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.227935,ISSN:0378-7753,Highly cited papers)
[4]FeiFeng#*, Xiaosong Hu#*, Jianfei Liu, Xianke Lin, Bo Liu. A review of equalization strategies forseriesbattery packs: variables, objectives, and algorithms,Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 116, 109464,2019.10.09.(SCI,JCR Q1,IF: 14.982,WOS: 000523392400042, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2019.109464,ISSN:1364-0321)
[5]FeiFeng#*, Xiaosong Hu#*, Lin Hu, Fengling Hu, Yang Li, Lei Zhang. Propagation mechanisms anddiagnosisof parameter inconsistency within Li-Ion battery packs,Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,112, 102-113,2019.05.29.(SCI,JCR Q1,IF: 14.982, WOS: 000474208400008,DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2019.05.042,ISSN: 1364-0321)
Part II- Conference Papers
[1]Xiao W., Xu H., Jia J.,Feng F., Wang W.,State of Health Estimation Framework of Li-ion Battery Based on Improved Gaussian Process Regression for Real Car Data, International Conference on Energy, Power and Mechanical Engineering,EPME2019, Guangzhou, China, Dec. 20-22, 2019. (EI,DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/793/1/012063)
[2]Xia zeng, Le Xu, Zhongwei Deng,Fei Feng, Xiaosong Hu. Global Sensitivity Analysis of Battery Single Particle Model Parameters. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference,VPPC, Hanoi, Vietnam, Oct.14-17, 2019.(EI,DOI:10.1109/VPPC46532.2019.8952424)
[3]Hu X., Jiang H.,Feng F., Zou C.A novel multi-scale co-estimation framework of State of Charge, State of Health, and State of Power for lithium-ion batteries.International Conference on Electric and Intelligent Vehicles (ICEIV2018), Melbourne, Australia, Nov.20-25, 2018. (EI, WOS:000468631900053, DOI: 10.12783/dteees/iceee2018/27824)
[4]Fei Feng*, Rengui Lu, Shaojie Zhang, Chunbo Zhu, and Guo Wei, “Temperature characteristics and modelling research on LiFePO4cells series battery pack in electric vehicles”, The International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation and International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, LSMS&ICSEE, Shanghai, China, Sep. 20-23, 2014.(EI:20144500174151, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-45286-8_48)
[5]Fei Feng*, Rengui Lu, Guoliang Wu, and Chunbo Zhu, “A Measuring Method of Available Capacity of Li-Ion Series Battery Pack”. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference,VPPC, Seoul, South Korea, Oct.09-12, 2012.(EI:20131016080897, DOI: 10.1109/VPPC.2012.6422667)
Patents (selected)
[1]Feng F., Hu X., Yang X., et al,A method for predicting the residual life of lithium ion battery based on fusion algorithm,China Invention Patent. AN: ZL201910573259.8, AD: 2019-06-27; PN: CN110187290B, PD: 2021-02-09.
[2]Feng F., Hu X., Hu F., et al,A method for diagnosing parameter inconsistency of power battery pack,China Invention Patent. AN: ZL201910373001.3, AD: 2019-05-06; PN: CN110045298B, PD: 2021-05-11.
[3]Feng F., Xie Y., Li K., et al,Ajointstate estimation method for SOC and SOT of power cells based on the coupled model of electric-thermal neural network,China Invention Patent. AN: CN201911031589.0, AD: 2019-10-28; PN: CN110703114A, PD: 2020-01-17.
[4]Feng F., Hu X., Li J., et al,A method for balancing of lithium ion power battery pack in the life cycle,China Invention Patent. AN: CN201910523087.3, AD: 2019-06-17; PN: CN110247451A, PD: 2019-09-17.
[5]Feng F., Xie Y., Yang R., et al,Method and device for establishing equivalent circuit model of impedance spectrum of solid-liquid mixed lithium battery,China Invention Patent. AN:202111241584.8, AD: 2021-10-25; PN: CN113985306A, PD: 2022-01-28.
Research Grants
[1]Research on Efficient Energy Balance Strategy for Power Battery Pack in the Full Life Cycle, NSFC (No. 51807017), China, 2019.01-2021.12. (PI)
[2]Research on residual Life Prediction and Maintenance Strategy optimization of Automotive Power Battery, Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2021M690177), China, 2021.08-2023.07. (PI)
[3]Research on Balance Strategy and States Co-estimation for Power Battery Pack in the Full Life Cycle, Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2018M643404), China, 2019.01-2021.12. (PI)
[4]Research on key technologies of flexible reuse of retired batteries based on multi-source heterogeneous data, Chongqing special project of basic research and frontier exploration – postdoctoral science fund (Grant No. cstc2019jcyj-bsh0015), China, 2019.03-2021.03. (PI)
[5]The key technologies of residual value evaluation and Cascade utilization of retired batteries based on big data, Chongqing entrepreneurship and innovation support fund forreturnedoverseasstudents(Grant No. cx2019019), China, 2019.09-2021.09. (PI)
[6]Research on basic theory and key technology of balance management of traction battery pack, Special Foundation of Chongqing Postdoctoral Science (No. XmT2018036), China, 2019.01-2021.12. (PI).